My Team

2009 Ster Mare, Royal Dutch Warm Blooded, by Dayano and Jetset-D
"Independent Firecracker"
Eroza always had a strong personality and expressive gaits. In 2014 Judge Toine Hoefs said at the five year old mare inspection that Eroza is a "Very beautiful and diverse mare with a beautiful, long neck and with a striking good withers and shoulders, a modern Dressage horse with a lot of carisma".
She received the highest points, 80 for both exterior and movement thus was awarded the Ster predicate from the KWPN association. Mohamed found Eroza after a long search with the help of Joep Schellekens of Academy Bartels and in November 2018 they began their journey together. Eroza soon moved to Dubai in Feb 2019, they have competed at two different shows and was placed 3rd and 1st place with the highest percentage of almost 70% in Elementary class. Mohamed made the decision on November 2019 to send her back to Holland to continue her training and development with Albert Van Schie in preparations for small tour level.

Oxford TC
2019 Stallion colt, Royal Dutch Warmblooded studbook, by Vitalis x Jazz
"The Golden Stallion"
Mohamed bought Oxford in September 2019 at the Excellent Dressage Sales auctions for foals. It was a complete surprise purchase for Mohamed as he was invited by Academy Bartels as part of their clientele to attend the event. As he saw Oxford and with a help of his friend as well as an accomplice, he knew there was always something special about him, Oxford's movements had lots of expression as forwardness, he was a relaxed colt between the chaos of the auction. He was strong and beautiful!
Mohamed had to have him. Oxford currently is with Wim Ten Pas breeding farm where he will stay with other stallions in the fields till he is ready to be taken in. Mohamed's plans to take Oxford to the keuring in 2022 in hopes of getting him approved or licensed. Please stay updated in the News section to find out more!

Don Manhattan
2016 AES Approved Stallion, Westphalia studbook, by Don Nobless X Manhattan
"The Bay Powerhouse"
Don Manhattan joined Mohamed in May 2020 as a young dressage prospect to develop and compete in the Young Horses classes. He is owned by Equiciety, a Kuwaiti owned company that is focused on breeding of top quality sport horses in Dressage, Show Jumping and Racing.
The plan is to hopefully compete in Grand Prix with Mohamed. "I am lucky to have a company like Equiciety to invest in my passion, they give me motivation everyday to continue and be the best that I can be, excited for what the future holds with this new addition to my growing family of horses"